Dmitry Korchuganov, Director of Alutech-Asia LLP:

We are very pleased with the exhibition, its organization and the turnout of visitors. This is our first participation with our own stand, and we got to the target audience, which makes us very happy. We are satisfied with both the quality of the organization of the event and the interest from visitors. As for the preliminary agreements, yes, we have already received many requests from both retail consumers and legal entities and organizations. We plan to consider participation in the 2025 exhibition and participation in the exhibition in Astana.

Arlen Kasymzhanov, Commercial Director of AND ASIA:

This is the second experience of participating in the KazBuild exhibition for our company, and this year we consider it very successful. We are seeing an active interest from visitors: the number of people is large, and in general everything was at a high level. At the moment, we are collecting contacts, including potential partners. There are quite a lot of contacts, but official agreements have not yet been concluded. There was interest in our products, and we noticed it. We have a large stand representing about 20 brands, which has attracted considerable public attention. The target audience was about 90% of the total number of visitors. We see that these are exactly the people we are interested in: designers, developers, foremen, painters - our main target group. Some visitors came to us on their own, while we attracted others ourselves. Last year we did not take part, but we watched how the exhibition went, and our expectations for this year were met. Next year we will participate in this exhibition again.

Padalia Hardik, Director of Flais Granito (Keval Granito LLP):

We are participating in the KazBuild 2024 exhibition and are very pleased with our participation experience. We met a lot of clients and potential customers, and in general, the exhibition turned out to be a success for us. We plan to participate in the exhibition next year, and we are actively looking for customers not only from Kazakhstan, but also from neighboring countries such as Uzbekistan, as well as from other CIS countries. Our experience has been very positive, and we are glad that we have been here. I am always happy to be a part of such events. I express my gratitude to the organizers.

Bakhram Tazhiyev, Project Manager of ASG Contract LLP:

The organization of the exhibition is at the highest level: everything is fine, there are a lot of visitors, it is clear that a lot of work has been done to cover the event by the organizers. Everything was great. We have been participating in the exhibition for about 8 years. At the moment, preliminary agreements have been concluded; official contracts will be drawn up later. Moreover, we even had sales directly from the stand. Our product is quite specific, and there are few competitors with similar offers. Therefore, we have attracted exactly the customers that we are interested in. There was a lot of interest from target customers we already know, as well as from those who just found out about our product. We definitely plan to participate in the exhibition next year, as well as take part in the AstanaBuild exhibition.

Olga Kurepina, Head of the Event Management Department at Technonicol Corporation:

We are participating in this exhibition for the first time, and this is an important step for us, since we are a leading international manufacturer of reliable and efficient building materials and systems from Russia. We are very pleased to present our products here in Kazakhstan. We consider Kazakhstan to be a friendly country with huge potential and active development of the construction industry. We have brought here the maximum amount of information about our new and popular products. There was interest in our products at the exhibition, and we were glad to see designers, contractors and end users who use our materials. At our stand, visitors could not only get advice on the choice of products, their properties and installation, but also communicate with representatives of our Quality Service and the Support Department of Design Organizations. We have gathered the best specialists to provide KazBuild visitors with complete and useful information for their work. At the moment, it is difficult to talk about specific preliminary agreements of partnership, since we are just starting to meet with potential customers and discuss the details. However, the interest has been recorded, and we will definitely contact each visitor. We are planning to participate in the exhibition in 2025, but the final decision will be made in the near future after updating the idea.

Khodabandeloo Hamidreza, CEO of Termeh Grass:

The exhibition in Almaty turned out to be a success for us. This is our first time here, but we are glad that we were able to find new customers not only from Kazakhstan, but also from neighboring countries. Everything went very well for the first time. We have concluded agreements of cooperation at the exhibition. We have found new customers and partners in this country. The interest in our products from the visitors was high. Our products are of high quality, and customers in Kazakhstan are looking for exactly this quality, so they are glad that they found us. We plan to participate in the exhibition next year. I will also recommend our friends to visit Almaty.


Meruert Sadykova, ID Trade LTD:

We participated in the KazBuild exhibition last year for the first time, signed a couple of contracts. We really liked it and were pleased with the result. Following the results of 2022, we decided to take part this year. Compared to last year, there are more participants, this year’s exhibition is very large-scale. We have something to compare with, there are really a lot of participants and visitors. Today we have also found many potential customers. We will take part again on the next 30th anniversary of the exhibition.

Veronika Kauponen, Cosca Décor:

Our company participates in the KazBuild exhibition for the first time. It’s only been a day and a half, but we evaluate our participation quite positively, there is a large flow of visitors, both specialized specialists and wholesale companies. There is a lot of interest in our products; visitors come to see all the products presented at our stand. There are already agreements on cooperation. In general, we expect very good results. We are considering participation for next year. I believe that such exhibitions are positive from the point of view of informing industry representatives about some novelties, new materials and technologies, plus exhibitions give an opportunity to exchange experiences, communicate, sign new contracts, use products in the projects.

Shokhrukh Azizov, Akfa Build:

It is not the first time we take part in the KazBuild exhibition, we have been exhibiting for sure for several years. The impressions are very good, the exhibition is organized at the highest level, we liked everything. There are no signed contracts yet, but there is a good interest from customers, we exchange contacts and hope for further cooperation. We are also planning to participate next year, as the Kazakhstan market is very interesting for our company.

Nikita Poluyanov, KazPan:

It is very nice to take part in such a large-scale exhibition as KazBuild. Our plant, which is planned to open in Astana in 2024, will be multi-format and international, which will allow us to be closer. The opening of the plant contributes to the promotion and development of the construction market, our company is always ready to meet innovations. There were a lot of visitors at the stand for two days, the organizers of this exhibition did a lot of work for this, and we are very glad that such an amount of attention was shown to us. Within the framework of the exhibition, a number of contracts were concluded, we contributed to the further promotion of our materials on the market of Kazakhstan. Following the results of participation this year, we plan to exhibit with a stand at the 30th anniversary KazBuild next year, because it is very nice to be in the trend. Constantly visiting exhibitions of this format, we gain new opportunities.

Roman Surkov, Avers Construction Materials Plant:

At the exhibition, we are performing with a stand in this format for the first time, we decided to go on a large scale and built up a stand of 45 sq.m. We were satisfied with the results - good traffic, good partners. We met with all our long-time suppliers and partners, we are pleased with the contacts we received. The purpose of our participation is for partners and colleagues to see the scope, scale of our business and approach to it. Next year we are planning to take part in advance, we will look at the format, the pavilion.

Natalya Kurakevich and Artem Sokolov, Keramin:

We were glad to participate and represent our brand at the KazBuild exhibition. We are glad to have been on the market of Kazakhstan for 20 years, since 2002. There were a lot of acquaintances, we were glad to see our partners, talk face to face, shake hands, share emotions and discuss further cooperation. We were visited by a huge number of visitors. We are glad that the organizers of the exhibition noted our stand, it is very pleasant, we did not expect such a flow of visitors. We are definitely planning to take part next year, we will consider options where it is more interesting to present our brand, so that it is expedient and successful for us. There are agreements at the discussion stage, we will consider and discuss with our management on returning to Belarus, the final decision will be made by our branch in Kazakhstan.

Alisa Kopylova, Free Style:

Last year I visited the KazBuild exhibition as a visitor, and immediately booked a stand for the current year, because I understand that KazBuild is a popular exhibition, and every year it is more difficult to book a good location. We are participating in the exhibition for the first time, we are pleased - the exhibition has met all our expectations. The organization is at the highest level. We met many international customers, construction companies, many contacts from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. I am glad that the exhibition is growing every year. We will consider visiting the exhibition both as participants and as visitors next year. Our company is more in the field of furniture and interior design, but we are very pleased that our product has gained popularity with the audience. Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity to exhibit, you have done a lot of work to attract a lot of visitors. And on the first day there was a large flow of visits at the stand, and on the second, and hopefully tomorrow, on the final day, there will also be a lot of visitors. Regarding the agreements, we are still in the process, we already have several companies with whom we will cooperate, but we want to do this after the exhibition. Now we are establishing contacts, communicating about the upcoming work with customers.

Dauren Kasymov, Maytoni:

The main office of our company is located in Moscow, but there is a representative office in Karaganda. We are participating in the exhibition for the first time, we are very pleased. The organization is good, all the nuances have been taken into account. The purpose of our participation was the recognition of the company. There were a lot of visitors, I think we achieved our goals. We plan to exhibit next year as well.


Tatyana Berkunova, SHAKHINTEX International Company LLC:

We are taking part in the KazBuild 2022 exhibition for the first time, we noticed an unprecedented activity of participants. At the exhibition we present both a popular collection and novelties of our products. We are very glad that we have something to offer the market, that Russian products are in demand. We see a large influx of customers and a good response. The activity of visitors and the contracts concluded anticipated all our best expectations from the exhibition. We plan to take part next year.

Vladimir Yershov, STROYNET LLC:

Presenting our products at the KazBuild 2022 exhibition, we can note that we are satisfied with the exhibition. This is not our first experience. This year there is a lot of excitement and great interest from visitors. We have implemented several facilities in Kazakhstan, and I would like to note that there was a lot of active work in 2021. Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity to represent our products and talk about our projects. A very good solution. A good exhibition, we will continue to take part in it.

Gaukhar Adenova, Mir Parketa:

The mission of our company is to let as many people as possible know about parquet, about its use in residential and commercial premises, because parquet is the basis of your home. At this exhibition, first of all, we want to show ourselves to the world. Since the world does not stand still, many new companies appear, there is a lot of development - it is important to stay in sight. We want to keep up with the demands of customers, make a lot of deals, find new customers. We want to tell as much as possible about our company, as it is also important for the image. At the exhibition we observe a large number of visits of target customers. We have found partners with whom we will conclude deals in the future. Next year we will definitely take part in the exhibition.

Kheravi Mekhdi, Bely Dom:

We are a Kazakhstani-Iranian company, producers of paint material in the market of Kazakhstan. Now we have a joint project with the Polish company - Sniezka. We are participating in the exhibition for the 4th time. But the last time we took part was in 2015. Previously, there were mainly foreign companies, now there are a lot of local producers, there are more participants. We have achieved our goal, there is a result. We are happy that we participated. I noticed the active participation of Indian companies. There are few representatives from Iran, but this issue can be resolved in the future, because there are many desirous. Today, the production of construction materials in Iran is at the highest level.

Dmitry Gladyshev, Kingspan:

We participate in the KazBuild exhibition all the time. Last year there was a grand exhibition, this year there are even more visitors. According to our statistics, over 80 people visited us in 1 day. Half of them have left requests for further information, about 30 people have already come with specific requests for projects. We are very satisfied with the professionalism of visitors, these are designers, builders, and end customers. Kazakhstan is not spoiled by high-quality construction materials, so we are glad that Kazakhstani customers have access to international products and world brands.


Mayfat Alexander, Head of Sales, A-profile Plant (Kazakhstan)

Certainly, despite the break, the exhibition in 2021 is quite successful for us. We have established new contacts and met potential customers. It is fairly safe to say that this exhibition has greatly contributed to the development of our company. The portrait of our client is quite well defined, such people come here directly and clearly understand their goals. Business has woken up after the pandemic and people are actively coming to the exhibition, doing construction and are actively interested in our products. A great merit in this and thanks directly to the organizers of this exhibition, because there is excitement, there is a result, and that is the main thing! The access system is perfectly organized, and everyone works smoothly. We are planning to exhibit at KazBuild 2022, too, to make a name for ourselves again and showcase all the latest products and services!

Yevgenia Asanova, Director, Assanov Group (Kazakhstan)

We had a very fascinating experience at KazBuild, because it was our first time participating and we were really proud to enter the Kazakhstan market with a brand like Albert Genau. We were very enthusiastic about the product demonstrations at the stand, and we were very pleased with the interest from our visitors. We ran out of product catalogs on the very first day; we had not even expected such a rush. I would like to note the level of organization, during COVID19 all sanitary measures are observed, the organizers support the visitors during the whole period of participation. The audience of the exhibition is absolutely target-oriented, people come with clear inquiries in relation to our type of business. Here you can find both end customers and dealers of the products. We hope that next year we will be able to participate with a larger stand and together with our partners from Turkey.

Vokhidov Shahboz, Marketing Specialist, Mexmash LLC (Uzbekistan)

At the KazBuild Exhibition we found many customers who were interested in our products and are ready to work with us. We have already noted for ourselves the options for long-term cooperation. There are many construction companies at the exhibition who are interested in our products and want to expand their cooperation horizons. Our company is growing and developing rapidly; we have offices in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and have finally expanded to the Kazakhstan market. The results of our participation have exceeded our expectations and we want to come again in 2022 to find partnerships not only in Almaty but throughout Kazakhstan. The organization meets all European standards, we have something to compare it with, so we can safely note the first-class efforts of the KazBuild Team.

Mykhanov Abylkair, Technical Specialist, PENOPLEX (Russia)

This is not the first time our company presents its products at the exhibition; thus, we position ourselves as a strong manufacturer of quality building materials: thermal insulation and waterproofing. Visitors show active interest, we make new acquaintances and develop partnerships here. After the pandemic it is difficult to return to the former scale of the exhibition, but taking into consideration the break time and the pandemic, the exhibition is well organized. We have decided to take part in KazBuild 2021, to show our clients and partners that our company is still strong and competitive. Next year, 2022, we will also gladly take part!

Varvara Zarubina, Export Support Center Specialist, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization for Corporation of Development of the Udmurt Republic (Russia)

To date, our company is extremely happy with the results of the two days of the exhibition. The flow of potential target customers is very large, on the very first day each company of our collective stand received at least two new contacts for further cooperation. Five manufacturing companies from Udmurtia represented at the stand are ready to export their products to the Kazakhstan market and are planning to find “the right customer” at the exhibition. Definitely every company has experienced a certain decline during the pandemic, but this did not affect our decision to participate in KazBuild 2021. The exhibition was attended by so many companies from related sectors and our direct competitors, which definitely has a positive effect on the exchange of experience between us. I would like to highlight the full compliance with sanitary and epidemiological norms, both at the entrance and inside the pavilions. We are planning our participation in KazBuild 2021 next year, but the final decision depends on the number of export contracts signed.

Lee Alexander, Kazakhstan Representative Office Director, Adrian Group, Slovakia's National Stand Participant

Expectations from participation in the exhibition were not only met, but even exceeded the expected outcome. We haven't participated in expo events for two years due to the pandemic, and we were very worried that there would not be many visitors, but the quantity and quality of the audience was simply amazing. During the three days of the exhibition, we had a lot of efficient meetings with prospects of cooperation and several clients decided to sign a contract with us already at the exhibition. Our profile is project organizations and engineering companies, about 50% of the visitors are our audience. Slovakia and Kazakhstan have long been developing international relations, and Kazakhstan is a very promising and developing market for Slovakia. Slovak companies need such a serious and important international partner. I would like to highlight the well-coordinated work and organization of KazBuild 2021.